Port Used: dsda-doom 0.25.6 (complevel 3)
Skill: Ultra-Violence
Download Link: https://files.spectere.net/doom/DZONE/COLOSEUM.WAD
Aaaah, that first room was so promising!
Level Ratings:
COLOSEUM.WAD, E1M1: 5.0/10
Interested in downloading or contributing to the Wadinator? Check it out on GitHub here: https://github.com/Spectere/Wadinator
00:00 WAD Selection
00:11 COLOSEUM.WAD: Text File
03:23 COLOSEUM.WAD: E3M1 (Attempt 1)
07:12 COLOSEUM.WAD: E3M1 (Attempt 2 β Early Exit π
10:05 COLOSEUM.WAD: E3M1 (Attempt 3)
11:35 COLOSEUM.WAD: E3M1 (Attempt 4)
12:44 COLOSEUM.WAD: E3M1 (Whatever π)
19:39 COLOSEUM.WAD: Final … Read the rest “D!Zone’d – COLOSEUM”